Calaid Home Healthcare, LLC nurses offer diabetic care management to individuals living with diabetes. Care may involve routine health checks, tests, visits, and exams.
Daily Diabetes Management
On a daily basis, patients and their nurses will ensure the following steps are taken:
- Blood sugar check
- Foot check for cuts, swelling, redness, sores, corns, calluses, blisters, and other changes to the skin or nails
- Medication administration
- Physical activity, such as power walking or riding a bicycle
- Eating healthy food

Quarterly Diabetes Management
Diabetics who have had a change in treatment or who are having difficulty meeting blood sugar goals will need to take the A1C test once every three months.
It’s also important to visit the doctor every three months. During the visit, the doctor will check the patient’s blood pressure and weight, and review their self-care plan and medication.
Biannual Diabetes Management
Once every six months, every patient diagnosed with diabetes needs to get their teeth and gums cleaned. If the patient is meeting their treatment and blood sugar goals, they will also need to take the A1C test.
The patient will also need to make a doctor’s visit to have their blood pressure and weight checked.
Annual Diabetes Management
Once a year, patients with diabetes should undergo the following:
- Flu shot
- Kidney tests
- Cholesterol test
- Dilated eye exam
- Hearing exam
- Foot exam
The Challenges of Living With Diabetes
Millions of Americans struggle with the life-changing impact of diabetes. The chronic condition leads to the following challenges:
Glucose testing: Patients need to ensure their glucose levels are staying within a healthy range. Both high and low glucose levels are dangerous.
Nerve damage: Patients with diabetes may experience the following symptoms of neuropathy:
- Loss of sensation
- Muscle pain
- Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet
- Burning feeling at night
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Extreme sensitivity to fluctuations in temperature
Heart disease and hypertension: High glucose levels can make it difficult for blood to flow through arteries, increasing the individual’s risk of heart attack and stroke.
Blindness and eye problems: Diabetics are at increased risk of going blind or developing a severe vision impairment.
Professional Diabetic Care Management
Calaid Home Healthcare, LLC has a team of in-home nurses that offer patients a complete range of services to improve their quality of life. Our registered nurses (RNs) work closely with the patient’s primary care physician to evaluate their needs related to diabetes and make the necessary adjustments to diabetic care management.
Nurses are trained to develop a customized care plan according to the patient’s needs to help the patient gain control of their illness. On a routine basis, nurses help monitor blood sugar levels, assist with insulin injections, ensure the patient is taking medications as prescribed, and educate the patient on making healthy lifestyle choices.
Nurses can make routine home visits and can also assist with obtaining medication and other supplies necessary for care. Through these visits, the nurse develops a deeper understanding of the patient’s health status and is better able to assess the disease status and progression. This also allows the nurse to:
- Track and assess vitals and blood glucose levels
- Monitor the development of diabetes-related complications, such as diabetic foot, nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, and other comorbid conditions